Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan: Episodes 43-44: Possession and Rear Window

Episode 43 is about Iga Den, a possessed girl and family.

I suppose it was suppose to tie into the previous episode about Helen’s death, but there wasn’t really much that went for it plot wise.


The preview of Episode 44 includes another classic tennis player character, involving kidnapping  girls in a girls only dormitory. Lily is later involved.

I’m going to let you figure out the narrative by yourself a little bit by giving you a clue about what the episode would be about if:

(if you don’t want to figure it out by yourself don’t read further.)

no monsters were involved.


The use of narcotics is implied with PEDs and knockout depressants.


A masculine Tentacle pursuing women in a dorm. The tentacle is a symbol of sex in Japan since the 1800s. According to Wikipedia, it has been listed as a possibility of being consensual, but we’ll get to whether that applies by the end of the episode.


We go through the rear window view from the Tentacle’s POV. The detective’s girlfriend sneaks into an apartment in Rear Window to find out if there’s a murderer. Lily finds out if there’s a tennis cheater in this episode of Space Sheriff Sharivan.

Dr.Polter/Monica’s actress really heats up this episode, making her slow, not fully thought out plan of conceiving human beasts actually sound pretty darn convincing.

Lily seemed to walk in a bit too conspicously to get through the episode.


And if you wanted to figure out the hidden narrative of the episode:

Sharivan might just be a pervert going into a female women’s dorm. Based on the reaction at the end of the episode, I’ll let you determine whether it was consensual or not.

Published by Arthouse Auteur

Someone who believes in pushing medium forward, even if at times one has to look at the ugly present or past.

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