Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan 48: The Tekken Blood Vengeance of Metal Heroes Teamups: Part 1: Marriage?

I wasn’t originally going to do this episode so early, but had to at the request of Mustached Warrior who absolutely hates this episode.

Let me get the good thing out of the way out of this.

I forgot what the term was, but Alexander the Great or some other great military leader used this tactic as well, to increase the power of his empire, by having races of winners and losers interracially marry.

Gavan 42-1

Of course, it’s convoluted to have it done on Mimi. Sure, Psycho can probably brainwash her or something, but force her to have sex with Gyrer on the show? So what they mean by “marrying” Mimi anyway, is raping her and turning her into a slave of some sort, which is pretty darn awful, not that Sharivan is a kid’s show by any means anyway.  Force her to bear his child for nine months in a  prison, without her harming herself and possibly the child in the process on accident escaping after possibly suffering from mental illness due to seclusion does not seem likely, albeit the Flore. Alien technology can use it to put it in a jar or something, but that defeats the purpose of having Mimi there in the first place!

Onto Part 2 of this episode’s analysis.

Published by Arthouse Auteur

Someone who believes in pushing medium forward, even if at times one has to look at the ugly present or past.

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