Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 48: The Tekken Blood Vengeance of Metal Hero Teamups: The Gavan Tease

Gavan 41-2

Gavan was teased in the preview to be fighting in the episode.

He doesn’t fight.

He doesn’t even suit up.

We basically just see him in 1980s “Skype” calls, where he could just be dubbing himself.

They couldn’t even get suit actor Gavan to be dubbed by Gavan’s voice, Kenji Ohba or a fake?

The secretary even suggest to Qwom to call for Gavan.

Why would you tease that Toei the earlier episode visually only for us not to see it happen Toei? Why would you do that?

Published by Arthouse Auteur

Someone who believes in pushing medium forward, even if at times one has to look at the ugly present or past.

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