Goodbye Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 45-47

Episode 45 is about appearance and believing whether you can be a star or not. Iga Den wants to go back to the star, Iga ironically. Not sure if this was a surreal English pun on the writers’ part. It fits as comic relief giving pace for the episode. Polter unable to think of anything but herContinue reading “Goodbye Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 45-47”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 48: The Tekken: Blood Vengeance of Metal Heroes Teamups: The Plot

Gyrer looks like an absolute fool this episode by suggesting such a convoluted plan. Reider looks like such a fool for going along with it. Gyrer then gets beaten up by Mimi very easily, without bringing any guards with him to make sure she doesn’t get way. Insert “My Waifu” meme here. Gyrer then has toContinue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 48: The Tekken: Blood Vengeance of Metal Heroes Teamups: The Plot”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 48: The Tekken Blood Vengeance of Metal Hero Teamups: The Gavan Tease

Gavan was teased in the preview to be fighting in the episode. He doesn’t fight. He doesn’t even suit up. We basically just see him in 1980s “Skype” calls, where he could just be dubbing himself. They couldn’t even get suit actor Gavan to be dubbed by Gavan’s voice, Kenji Ohba or a fake? TheContinue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 48: The Tekken Blood Vengeance of Metal Hero Teamups: The Gavan Tease”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan 48: The Tekken Blood Vengeance of Metal Heroes Teamups: Part 1: Marriage?

I wasn’t originally going to do this episode so early, but had to at the request of Mustached Warrior who absolutely hates this episode. Let me get the good thing out of the way out of this. I forgot what the term was, but Alexander the Great or some other great military leader used thisContinue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan 48: The Tekken Blood Vengeance of Metal Heroes Teamups: Part 1: Marriage?”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episodes 40-42 Review

40 discusses the rigging element of end of the world predictions, using newspapers for media sensation. Religious figures and the end of the world. The bike almost kills Sharivan, before saving the day. Why he didn’t transform into a ball of light I have no idea. The episode could also be about how the series isContinue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episodes 40-42 Review”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episodes 31-39 Review

Episodes 31-39 presented us with two new characters to the series: Helen and Reider. While the use of Helen has been inconsistent, in a seemingly phasing out Thuy Trang kind of way, she definitely adds a new dimension to the Sharivan team being the female muscle opposed to Sharivan’s male muscle and Lily’s female brains.Continue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episodes 31-39 Review”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan: Episode 39

Helen notes her hatred for Madou after her parents were killed at the beginning of episode 39. Her costume is somewhat similar to the model’s costume in the previous episode. Oddly enough, there’s also a girl who could or not be Lily who isn’t featured till she is seen in the clothing store. The episode/monster ofContinue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan: Episode 39”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan: Episode 38

Like the Gavan duel the preceding year, there was a great understated, but effective goodbye to Iga Den Episode 38. It’d be more touching if they had more characters from assorted episodes, but it was good enough for a show with a shorter budget. “Thank you Iga Den.” They play musical chairs Deer Hunter style, which was already alludedContinue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan: Episode 38”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 37 Review

The beginning of the episode has a students saying “goodbye, be careful” to a teacher. A model is later seen used as bait for a UFO by one of the main characters before she is slashed by a fake bear. It’s sort of a subliminal way to strip her in front of the fans I guess, giving theContinue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episode 37 Review”

Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episodes 36

In Episode 36, the Iga Lion episode, Rita is introduced simply as a former ally before presenting herself as one without any more backstory. That moment really added to the universe and moments like that could’ve been introduced to kids in the 80s. I guess they tried to simplify it. She looks convincingly different enough for a kid toContinue reading “Metal Heroes Month: Space Sheriff Sharivan Episodes 36”